Wiped: March 7th
Next Wipe: March 14th
BeenCanIO Map

Live Map here: http://rust.italktomachines.com:28356
To get started, search under modded servers for "ITTM" that's it!
I wanted this to be newcomer friendly as I too just picked up this game and wanted a place where like minded folk can enjoy at their own pace. However I didn't want to nerf the experiance too much, so AI is still active and angry, night time still happens (just not as often nor as long) as do helis and airdrops. But I wanted to lower the need to farm all the time, and to "help keep the light's on" for those dark nights.
Some of the mods in use:
- RadStorm Dynamic Radiation Storm Events! Get indoors (if unprotected) during these events, or go mining for even more increased loot!
- Hacker In Game Laptops can be used to hack into Code locks and Monument Puzzle Card Readers. They can also be used for Antihack Defense when placed inside you Tool Cupboard!
/codehack - allows authorized players to use a laptop to hack into code locks and card readers
- Server Rewards Economy and Stores for all!
- JPipes that allow you to link boxes to furnaces, refineries to boxes etc, automate your base!
- ZLevels to give it a bit more of a progressive feel. It's still a 4x server, so it doesn't really hurt farming much at all.
- Death Notes Because, you all wanted it, and it's fun! I've tweaked it too to keep things fresh.
- PermaMap so you can always use your map without taking inventory space!
- NFR - infinite fuel for small items like campfires, tunacan lamps, celing lights etc. Only one fuel source is needed! (furnaces and large items are still going to need to be fed however!)
- Start Protection give's you 45 minutes from spawning into my server that you can't be PvP'd. (Starting fight's while protected counts against your timer!) Use this time to farm and build a starter base!!!
- Plant Drop No need to plant, just toss your seeds on the ground and they plant themselfs!
- N-Teleportation Teleport from base to base (limited times a day) No more across map running!
- Info Panel UI Enhancment that gives you an in game clock, heli/cargo/air-drop alerts and more!
- Heli Vote The name kinda says it...Allows you to vote for a heli event.
- Furnace Splitter Does all the work and math for you! Splits Ore and trims extra wood.
- Better Loot All crates, Barrels, etc have been tweaked with a customized loot table (with Hacker in mind!)
Plus stick around and you can gain permissions for other cool things like being able to craft Your Own Recycler!!!